Doctor Who Fanon

%3D%3DDoctor Who: Order and Chaos was the first successful attempt at a canonical cinematic film running alongside the television series Doctor Who. It was written by Steven Moffat and Toby Whithouse, directed by Peter Jackson, and produced by Moffat, Whithouse, and Denise Paul. Matt Smith, Jenna-Louise Coleman, and John Simm reprised there roles from the television series alongside Anton Yelchin as the White Guardian and Benedict Cumberbatch as the Black Guardian.


The Doctor and Clara are in the TARDIS when, on the screen, a spatial phenomenon is seen forming. Another TARDIS comes flying out of it, though it is not a police box. They go after it, but the TARDIS starts shaking. The White Guardian appears and asks them for help in finding the key to time and re-sealing the time lock. They accept the mission and go looking for the first piece. In the other TARDIS, the Master is talking to the Black Guardian, who sends him on a mission to find the key to time and open the time lock completely. The Master accepts.

To Be Completed
