Doctor Who Fanon


All episodes star the Eleventh Doctor, Amy Pond, and after episode 4 Ellie Bates.

Number Title By Basic Summary
1 Ratitude 12thDoc First FMS episode
2 Steel and Peace Lewody1 Reintroduction of the Cybermen
Introduction of the Lokolon
3 Into the Vortex Caged1 The Daleks appear

The Call

Breaking the Skin

BlackGear Introduction of Ellie Bates/Introduction of Kath'hulu
6 House of Silence 12thDoc

Ellies first trip in the TARDIS Reintroduction of the Weeping Angles

7 Apollo 23 Time Guardian Adaptation of the NSA novel Apollo 23

Pt1 the Armageddon Creature


Tennantfan Introduction of A' Lokai.
10 BlackGear
11 The Ghosts Of Death Past

Introduction of Sad Alone

Appearance of the Second Doctor


Pt1 The Reunion from Hell

Pt2 The Event



Reintroduction of Davros and Daleks
Number Title By Basic Summary
Xmas Snowy Love Tennantfan The Doctor takes Ellie back to Earth for Christmas. They bump into Karlel and Ellie decides to go see her boyfriend. Seeing Ellie and Micheal together reminds Karlel of the 'love of his life', Amel Riding.