Doctor Who Fanon
This article was written by ΘΣ.
Please do not make any changes to this fiction without receiving the author's consent.

  • Scene: Vast space, focusing on Gallifrey*

Voice: Gallifrey…a planet born but two decades after the universe itself, a true relic of this realm.

  • Scene: Surface of Gallifrey*

Voice: It was a semi-organic world, with 80% of it’s surface and core comprised of steel and iron. Across the sparse planes of organic setting, primitive beasts emerged, who would not step foot on the mechanical surface…until now

  • Action: Ape-like creature places paw of steel border, shockwave of energy kills the beast, a robotic figure transmutes from the ground*

Voice: The creature was killed by the treacherous landscape, and from it…a mechanical copy would rise and create more of his species within a day.

  • Action: Robotic ape-men hunt down and murder the organic creatures*

Voice: The next day, every organic creature was hunted down out of pure racism, one survived and his itself for decades. Weeks later, it’s remains were found inside a cave, next to a blue vortex.

  • Action: Mechanical primitive looks into vortex, becomes fused with organic life and becomes semi-organic humanoid*

Voice: This…man would be the first Gallifreyan. He was comprised mostly of armor, with some organics beneath, forming 40% of the muscular tissue and bones…the rest was robotic. The man would learn to write and speak within an hour of his rebirth, and named himself “Peylix”.

  • Scene: Mechanical landscape, Peylix approaches primitives and speaks*

Peylix: Creatures! I have discovered our future! Within a cavern is a great god, who takes the form of a blue spiral. Those who are great enough will be gifted great power, as I have today!

Voice: Though the creatures knew not what he was saying, they followed him to the cave where the vortex lies, and became transformed into robotic men just like Peylix, but after 213 years he grew angry that he no longer stood out amongst the men. So he peered into the vortex once more, and became an enormous demi-god who stood meters tall than any being that had currently existed.

  • Action: Gallifreyans are overwhelmed with fear and disgust, and begin to attack their once-leader*

Peylix: Stand down primitives! I am your master! You must obey me!

Voice: And in that moment, a man stood on the shoulder of the titan and spoke to him.

Man: We obey no one!

  • Action: The man plunges his fist into the beasts eye, startling him to the point of flying away in fear, crowd of Gallifreyans cheer at the triumph of this man*

Man: Gallifrey! Do not chant for me, for I am but a man. Every one of you is capable of what I’ve just done, I am but a soldier and a scientist, you all are the heroes, we are the heroes!

  • Action: The crowd cheers, one man asks for the soldier’s name*

Man: I…am Rassilon!
